> Places Wolves live?

Places Wolves live?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Gray wolf populations can be found almost anywhere in Canada. They're only found in Alaska and Northwestern states bordering Canada.

Also to the other answerer who compared a wolf to a tiger, is wrong. In North America alone there have been no healthy wolf attacks recorded in the past 200 years. There have been 2 wolf attacks but both were "iffy" attacks. The wolves were rabid and had been eating near garbage dumps, so they lost fear of humans. Nothing to be scared about :-)

But that leads me to the point. Since wolves are shy, timid and skittish in North America, you have a 1 in 200 chance of actually seeing a wolf in its natural habitat minding its own business. You can visit wolf/ wolf dog sanctuaries though. Those wolves were raised in cages and they cannot be released into the wild so they are in captivity. They're more open and friendly to people rather than being shy and skittish, so you can "hang out" with them.

Gray wolves do not live in Antarctica, but they do live in the North Pole/Arctic. The wolves that live there are called Arctic wolves (Canis lupus arctos) and are even more rare to see.

My grandparents have had a cottage in Muskoka, and my Dad also lives there, we have wolves around... so listen to what I have to say:

1. Wolves are very timid creatures, they prefer to avoid humans as much as possible and due to their strong sense of smell/hearing they can observe one coming a mile away and seek shelter from us.

2. Wolves prefer areas that are heavily forested, also they tend to trot along lake shores and river banks in search of fish and other small mammals. A wolf will NEVER into open areas such as field, meadows and farmland.... they need cover to avoid being spotted.

3. A wolf will travel between sun down and sun up, they will very rarely be seen in broad daylight, except during the winter months between December and April.

4. Your best bet of seeing one= I recommend u go to the Haliburtion Wildlife Centre in Haliburton Ontario. They have caged off areas where you can safely see wolves interact with each other and have the safety of them not coming at you.

5. Another thing you need to realize- Wolves are a dying breed here in Canada due to several reasons- 1. Humans building on their land/terroitory (a wolf needa 1000sq to hunt, live) 2. Hunting of the wolves by humans 3. Cross breeding between Coyotes and Wolves, forming a hybrid creature called a "coywolf"

Just another thing I want to add- The wolves around my Dad's place (Dorset Ontario) are very easily spotted during the winter months when they come out from the bush and onto the frozen lake to chase down the deer, we had a pack of them in March that was seen on the top of the street.

You're joking right? I live in Canada and the wolves here are afraid of humans. That means if they see one they either run or attack. It's rare they allow you to be near them.

You can't just "hang out" with wild wolves. Use your common sense. Would you go near a wild tiger?

In a few years, me and my sister plan on going to America or Canada to see wolves in their natural habitat/ hang out with wolves (safely of course).

So I was just wondering- where are some places that wolves live in?

Also, do they live in Antarctica?/North Pole?/Artic? :)