> Pigeon poop very water?

Pigeon poop very water?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
more likely solids are responsible than waters. hard and soft water can alter the bio in species

i forgot to mention i gave them baked chicken peas and even raw peas[chana] that day when i changed their water to tap water. i often give them this but that day i gave them peas from another shop maybe this peas was kept from a long time and even male was eating a lot of peas

is this the reason behind watery poop??

and i dont give my pigeons any type of medicine and its not cured till now

Maybe what they eat effect their poop


from some days i was using rainwater for my pigeons because tap water colour was becoming light brownish but after that i noticed that my pigeons poop becoming watery

so i changed their water to ranwater again

so now female pigeon poop is normal now but male and their babies poop is watery

what could be the reason??