You really want to have them order you one and pick it up the day it arrives. We visited our Petco the day they received a shipment of sun conures - all we wanted to do was just buy some bird seed and leave - then one of the sun conures we were watching them unbox made a run for my wife. Ran up her arm, dove into her shirt, and then peeked it's head out like it had been born and raised in that shirt! LOL. it wanted nothing to do with the store employees or me - just her. So......... we bought it. That bird has been her constant companion. Getting a bird fresh from the breeder - and not one that has been confused or handled by the good natured but not necessarily bird smart or bird experienced employees at Petco is a good thing.
I haven't bought a parrot in many years but as I recall the prices were much better at Bird Marts than in pet stores. Not only did Bird Marts have a much better selection but the breeders were right there, and you could buy carrying cages, home cages, toys, treats, food and gifts at the Bird Marts.
You could try doing a Search for something like "bird marts in or near (where you live)." Sometimes we had to drive quite some distance but it was worth it. One year we bought beautiful bird themed earrings for holiday gifts. Even if we didn't buy anything, there was always a lot to see. I really wanted to get a Toucan for a while (until I read up on them and decided not to), and some of the exotic birds for sale were so wonderful to see up close that the trip was worth it.
If you go to a Bird Mart, it s best to get there early in the morning, before it opens, for the best selection.
I'm looking to find out the prices of the Senegal parrots and Meyers parrots at Petco. I contacted the store and they told me they can special order them but will need to call me on a later time with prices. I remember there was a Senegal for $600 at a Petco that closed down near my house. Does anyone remember what they seen them for or what they paid?