> Pet bird breeds that can survive outside in the winter?

Pet bird breeds that can survive outside in the winter?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I don't think there are any birds that would be kept as pets that would do well in really cold temperatures, certainly not freezing and below. Probably the better bet is to build an area with bird feeders and so forth where birds can naturally congregate to feed. You probably wouldn't want it under the porch as you would have the droppings to deal with.

Yeah, none. If you're gonna have birds, you're gonna have to bring them in at times. They will freeze. Please do a little research, it sounds like birds just aren't for you right now.

We have recently added on to our back deck. It's not closed in but it now has a roof and stuff.

My mother loves birds. She always says how she'd love one but due to family allergies we can't have any in the house.

I was thinking about building a large bird cage on the outdoor porch so when we sit outside we could see them.

The problem is the winter here can get pretty cold and summers pretty hot.

What's a breed of bird that could survive in these conditions and that is appealing to the eye