> Parakeet or bearded dragon?

Parakeet or bearded dragon?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I would recommend the bearded dragon, since they are not as noisy and messy as the budgie.

dont get the damn bird their **** stinks and they wake you up really early every morning. the bearded dragon is cool my friend had one too one in a while u can feed them crickets and watch then devour them.

Bearded dragons do eat cricket every week as well as vegies. But they cost about 200 dollar, you have to be very dedicated to both these animals. As well if you do not like the tweeting of birds they will do that once they get into a rutine of feeding. Hope i was able to help

One of my mom's friend's son is a good friend of mine. He has a bearded dragon and he is fully grown. They say it is easy to care for them. I know it costs a lot of money and my parents do not want to spend a lot of money. Their bearded dragon is very calm and eats veggies like kale and broccolli. They seem like a great pet but I also want a parakeet. Which one costs more and how much do each of them cost per year? I have 2 dogs and I am afraid the dogs will try and eat the bearded dragon or parakeet. My brother just moved back home from Florida and he needs a quiet house to answer phone calls for his job. He says a bearded dragon is calm, and a parakeet is noisy. Is a parakeet really that noisy? Please give me information on caring for both bearded dragon and parakeet. I want the parakeet the most because they can fly, and seem fun to play with. Please Help

Thank You