> PLEASE HELP!! Can I move a mother dove with her nest?

PLEASE HELP!! Can I move a mother dove with her nest?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Yes she will do it alone and could die of being alone (personally not having a mate not the fact of raising babies alone) but I would recommend not getting a male dove until the babies are hatched & weaned off the mama... Male birds help the females with sitting, watching, & feeding the babies so now she will have to do this by herself. Its hard but possible. Just find her another mate after the babies are weaned.

My grandpa has a very large aviary that used to contain a pair of ringneck doves. They bred and the female is currently on a nest and the eggs are about 3-4 days along. The male was sadly killed by a hawk in a second aviary. So now the female is all alone. And my grandpa has decided to give the dove to me. What I would like to know is that, if i take the dove and her nest to my house in the new aviary, will she continue to lay on her eggs and hatch them. She is pretty wild and not hand tamed, but I want to hand tame the babies. Please help!!! I need to know ASAP