Which name is best?
kiko its sooo CUTE :D
You are gonna have so much fun! I have a yellow naped that had the name Spanky when I got him 11 yrs ago and he would say Hi Spanky! I changed his name to Booh. Now he says Hi Booh or BooooPer! He talks in paragraphs also. If I'm eating he says Do you like it? Is it good? mmmm good. When I come home he says Where'd you go? Yells JUST A MINUTE when the door bell rings! Calls the dog CleeeO. When he wants something he says Come On! And sooo much more that keeps me laughing. I personally think Jingles would be hard for my bird to say. He can't pronounce the letter J But kiko is sweet! And K is an easy letter! Go to parrotsoftheworld.com it's a Great site!
Jingles is a good name to give to a birdy that's really energetic and has 'emits jingly energy shocks' every once in a while, in my opinion. I also think that you should give the name 'echo' to a bird with a very lovely voice and Kiko to an extremely playful bird. Good Luck naming your parrot!!!
A name that would denote his/her personality would be nice. The name Jingles may work.
Yellow Napes tend to be gregarious "party birds." My Yellow Nape loves people (especially kids), loves music, loves to have a party, and LOVES to be the center of attention.
Kiko is really cute!
lilo stitch kiwi kiki kiko
for male: kiko is nice or mojo, mexx, coco, cooper, spyro, zorro
for female: thea, rosa, peach, sydney, mia, pixie, lucy
Try Babe or sunshine
jingle is adorable pick it!!! :)
Getting a yellow naped amazon don't know sex but we have one for male but need a female name too.
Which name is best?