> Our 8 month old Boxer retrieved at dead maggot-infested bird. What can I clean his mouth out with?

Our 8 month old Boxer retrieved at dead maggot-infested bird. What can I clean his mouth out with?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Sorry and anything is fine try a rag or towel with water in his mouth and clean him up hope he gets better!!!

firstly i wouldn't recommend anything for humans (e.g.: mouthwash, toothpaste) but a dentastick may help with oral hygiene. i wouldn't worry too much unless you start to see any regurgitation or drowziness and other worrying signs. in which case, i'd advise for you to make an appointment for him to be checked out by a local vetinary practice.

I would recommend taking him or her to the vet to make sure no maggots have gone down his throat or anything you don't want your pup to be sick so please take him to the vet ASAP

Our 8 month old Boxer retrieved at dead maggot-infested bird. He dropped it, but now I'm afraid of all the bacteria from the dead animal. What methods or household items are okay to use to clean out his mouth?