I am guessing that these crows are around fledgling age, I have been seeing a lot of bird fledglings coming out of the nest lately. first off, crows are omnivorous which means that they eat both plant matter and meat so they can eat pretty much anything that is not toxic to birds. It is plenty warm enough this time of year that you do not need to use a heating pad to keep them warm, the shirts will do them fine. And finally, they keep hopping out the box when you take them outside because as mentioned earlier they are probably fledglings and this time of year they are starting to explore. To help them avoid being eaten by your neighbors cats, give then something that they can get inside of if the cats come after them that the cats would be unable to access. And one more thing, about the adult crows being offended by human scent on the babies, never worry about this. Most birds have an incredibly bad sense of smell, they would never even know you touched their babies by smell alone.
I found 2 baby crows on the floor in my yard and took them in although I probably shouldn't have because I know some animals don't like human scent on their babies, BUT I made an exception because they were being bitten by a bunch of ants all over(which I had to take off carefully with tweezers) and I knew they could be eaten by my neighbors cats which she lets roam around everywhere(all 6 cats).
I hand fed them mango(in small chunks) and moist rice although they seemed to like the mango better. What else can or should I feed them? I have them in a box with some old shirts to keep warm. I know baby birds need warmth so should I use one of my reptile heating pads and place it in the box under the clothes?
Lastly, I would like to put them back or in the tree near to where I found them but when I tried earlier they kept jumping off and again they run the risk to be eaten by cats. What should I do? I know their mom will probably come looking for them soon.