> New discovery?? Goat + Cow hybrid?

New discovery?? Goat + Cow hybrid?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
What you've got there, rather than a magical hybrid animal, is a perfectly normal, run of the mill goat. Congratulations.

I mean, I'm no professional biologist....oh, wait. Yes I am. That's exactly what I am.

I think that would be painful combination

pretty sure thats a goat-goat hybrid. and its sick/dying.

is this new discovery? we already know that animals can crossbreeding and get hybrid animals. Lion + Tiger = Liger. Donkey + Zebra = donkra. Domestic cow + yak = dzo. Camel + Llama = Cama and SUCH!

but we never heard about Goat + cow = ?

so, in this video, does it a new discovery?

here's the video on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2rNYiaMHZg