> New budget had crusty poop over vent?

New budget had crusty poop over vent?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Yes it can be stressed but it will get used to the enviroment. But does it have a proper place to stay? You have to keep cleaning it up or it will die like my past 3 birds.

It could be stress. Most birds are nervous when coming to a new environment. It will get used to it in a few days or so.

Hello so I just bought a budgie 2 days ago. I left her alone for the first day but on the second I noticed she had a lot of poo stuck to her bottom. I caught her and gently cleaned it off with a towel and warm water. She didn't have the poop on her when I bought her. Could it have been from stress from being in a new environment or could it be something else?