> Need some help on Chickens plz?????!!!!?

Need some help on Chickens plz?????!!!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Chickens can live to be over 10. She is probably molting. Also some chickens just go to bed earlier than others. Be careful for symptoms of lethargy and watch out for something like a prolapsed uterus (look it up; also Google how to fix it). Owning chickens isn't always fun and sometimes they have things that go wrong. However, we have a Rhode Island Red hen who has lost so many feathers from our rooster that she looks like a plucked Christmas chicken, she only has 1 eye, and generally looks pathetic.She is 3 years old and still happy as a clam; 3 is not old age for chickens. Our roo is also 3 and is in extremely good health.

Sounds like they have crossed the road and are now over the hill.

I have seven chickens. three that are about two in a half or so. this will be their third winter. and the other four this will be their first . I have all different breeds because they are like my babies even though they like to trip me. the three older girls are a Easter egger, silver laced and a rhode island red. Dumpling my rhody I think is dying. she looks old . I don't know if its because it might be malting season. im fairly new to chickens im 16 and so the younger ones are my second time raising again. but she s losing a lot of feathers and is going to bed really early compared to the rest and she doesn't look as young I guess. how old do chickens live really? all those other sites say for 5 to 10 years and others say 3 years . whats the actual life expectancy ? is she dying ? is there anything I can do to help her if she isn't sick or anything and is just malting??? plz I love my girls. ive already lost four of my birds this year. a chicken and a duck to a raccoon a hen that just died and a duck that disappeared. so I really don't want to lose anymore of my babies. plz help any info will be helpful