> Need help with swelling and dried blood?

Need help with swelling and dried blood?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
a bit of Neosporin on the eye will not hurt it. you can even put it on the actual eyeball itself. So put a little goob on the eyes ,let it soften the scabs, then with a clean cotton ball or q tip wipe the dried blood off. You can use a syringe to feed him some ...yes ..egg yolk. Hold his beak open and drop in drop by drop. You might want to put the tip way back to his throat and drop so he can't shake his head and spill it.

One of my pet chickens was accidentally left in there outdoor pen overnight & something got to him were not sure what. he is alive and appears to be fine but one of his eyes is swollen shut and the other is crusted over with dried blood and dirt (as is the rest of his head). Its been two days and he wont eat because he cant see (we have tried force feeding him but i worry about hurting him). I was hoping the swelling would go down or as the blood dried it would flake off but nether is happening. I know ice helps swelling but I'm worried about putting ice on his head, and anything that can dissolve a scab says not to use on open wounds or get in the eyes. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to elevate the swelling or remove the scabs, or if anyone knows a good way to force feed a chicken without killing it.