> Need help with new lovebirds!?

Need help with new lovebirds!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Stand about 10 feet away from the cage and don't move but talk in a soothing voice. Then once they are used to that move a step closer to the cage and do the same thing. Keep moving closer and closer until you are close enough to put your hand on the cage. Don't move your hand but still talk in a soothing voice. Next you can open the door, and put your hand in the cage and move it closer and closer until you can eventually touch them and put them on your finger. You can also hand feed at the same time to encourage trust. Remember that this can talk days, weeks, even months but don't be discouraged. Patience is key. Hope this helps!:)

I got a lovebird in March and he has been scared of me since then. If I come within two feet of the cage he nearly kills himself to hide in a corner or get inside his happy hut to hide. I just want to find a way to get him to trust me and come to me without being so scared. I adopted him at petco where he was for a month because his previous owner couldn't take care of him. I then got him a buddy who I've had for about 5 days and he's only 4 months old. He's still skiddish of me too and i would like to find a way to not have that issue with him as well. Since he's still so young, I'd like to start training him. Any suggestions on what I can do would be great. Also, I'm not sure if they're both boys or not, just a guess. Thanks!