> Name for a male scarlet macaw?

Name for a male scarlet macaw?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Neo (because he's a Neotropical parrot)

Goji - fruit

Guava - fruit

Rambutan - fruit

Zalacca - fruit

Kernel (because they love cracking kernels)

Or mix it up with Kernel Rambutan

Here are my personal favourite names for macaws.

1, Rio

2, Blue

3, Coconut

Comment the chosen name of you bird I would love to hear!

Thanks and I hope this helps you!!!! :)

I need a name for my male scarlet macaw. No human names please such as Luke, Will etc. maybe something relating to the forest or jungle if you can. The names Kiwi, Pineapple, Watermelon and Mago are already taken ( names of my other birds). Also don't suggest the name Scarlet, because scarlet macaws are also yellow and blue. Maybe something that is not common like the name Rainbow which is kind of boring to me.
