Posted at: 2014-11-15 
They only pip on the day of there hatching,day 21, I just leave them alone and all of which didn't hatch at day 22 or 23 I see if they are alive by hearing the pipping or knocking, I never candel a 22 days old egg, the success is like 90% with about 2 or 4 eggs going bad. Just leave them alone, if it comes to a chick being stuck in the egg ONLY on the end of the day 22 or beginging of the day 23, help it, but don't tuch it on the day 21 or earlier. It's beak is commonly located at the under side, not the pointy side of the egg. It rarely comes to that.Trust me about leaving them alone, I have been hatching chickens since I was a kid. When I left them alone I seen around 2 chicks more per 20 chics than when I help them or follow internet sites.

Some easy steps..you can follow this site



Did you try to do a search on Google?

Hello! I am hatching chicken eggs for the very first time. I have been incubating them in the HovaBator and am now on day 20. I have candled them a total of three times (On days 4, 10, and 18) and all but two of the eggs had a fully grown chick in the egg on day 18. None of the eggs have started pipping, rocking, or chirping. I am concerned that I do not have enough humidity. And as many would say to check the hydrometer, I do not have one! Again, this is my first time and I did not think everything through. For the first 18 days, I added 1 cup of water 2 times a week. And on the 18th day, I added 2 cups of water for Lockdown. Does that sound like enough water? Should I add more? If so, how much? And is it normal for the chicks to not be pipping yet?