> My sun conures tail is covered in blood , and he's kind of twitching?

My sun conures tail is covered in blood , and he's kind of twitching?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
He's bleeding and it won't stop on it's own. You need to GET YOUR BIRD TO A VET NOW! He could bleed to death.

He was playing at the bottom of his cage in mini paper bags (from the bakery) , because he loves them, and then I called his name(Fidel) because I was done making French toast and he loves it, but then his tail feathers got stuck in the metal bars and I think a couple got ripped out. Mum told me that we should leave him because there is nothing I could really do , so she said it was best that his tail should heal by himself. So I tucked him to bed in his little tent thing , and he keeps twitching and i'm really scared to lose him because he means everything to me