> My parent's 3 month old African Grey passed away suddenly over night and I'm trying to figure out what could hav

My parent's 3 month old African Grey passed away suddenly over night and I'm trying to figure out what could hav

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
he bird get scared from something wile sleeping like door slamed could have heart attack if sick you will notice that w,ont die suddenly.

Thank you for the feedback, unfortunately my parents have already buried her, so we won't be getting any definitive answers.

Do your parents have any teflon pans they use for cooking? Cooking with a teflon pan will kill ANY breed of bird.

at three months old it had to be something the bird was born with or a disease it was carrying. a necropsy would tell you if you still have the bird. you can send the body to the state lab and they will give you an answer. it would have to be in the refrigerator(not freezer) until it is sent. your vet can help you with the details. otherwise, death without symptoms or warning wasn't likely caused by anything they did. one of the viral diseases would be my guess. pacheco's disease, PDD, or Polyoma virus come to mind off the top. i would encourage a necropsy if you can do it as demonstration of one of these viruses would mean the breeder/pet store is responsible for replacing the bird.

unfortunately, without an autopsy there is no way to know

My stepfather found her on the bottom of her cage in the morning, so they are guessing that she died on her perch then fell. My parents are very careful about what they feed her, so I doubt it was any sort of poisoning, but really I have no clue what could have caused this so suddenly (heart attack?). My parents are devastated since they were expecting her to be around for many years, any sort of answer would be appreciated to help me piece together what happened. Thank you.