This calls for judgment on your part. If you are worried, take the bird to an avian vet. Because in many cases birds will not show any symptoms until it is too late for treatment.
Once my cat knocked down my mouse cage in the middle of the night, and ran off right away. The mouse was not in the cage, so I thought it escaped into my laundry pile. I closed my door and figured I would look for it in the morning.
But in the morning I found the mouse, alive and well, in the bathtub. Apparently the cat was faster than I thought, and just curious or wanted to play with it.
The only thing deadly about cat saliva is the fact that it breaks down tissues in animals. Anyways, monitor your parakeet for a day and check for signS of Blackpool, which is characterized by a blackened foot. This can be deadly. If you have the time and money get it to a bird vet. Btw, shouldn't you know if your cat got into it?
I think my cat got a hold of him because he keeps sleeping with his kinda open but she doesn't have claws. I just noticed this a couple of minutes ago and don't think it happened long ago. maybe this morning. I don't want him to suffer and I don't know what to do. He isn't bleeding or anything. But I know cat spit is deadly to birds.