I have a 5-6 month old green cheek conure who lost control of his legs, he became paralyzed about 5 days Ago. I brought him to vet 3 days ago. She was specialized for birds & did a pyhsical, she didn't know what was wrong with him except that it may be trama or spinal cord issues. She have him vitamin D & A I believe and gave me some swelling and pain medicine. Yesterday though after I have been taking him out, giving him water (he cannot drink on his own but eats on his own.) and his medicine. I started pulling the seeds out that got stuck in his tail feathers and he started to move his legs, every day now he seems to be having spasims in his legs? I don't know what it is or if this is good or bad. He moves both his legs very fast sparatically every few minutes. I'm wondering what I should do & what this may be?