> My dog just killed some birds and I'm traumatised?

My dog just killed some birds and I'm traumatised?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
My dogs a springer spaniel (hunting dog) he goes crazy for birds, cats and mainly squirrels. So one day he got one ( it must have been ill cuz it wasnt moving in his mouth) and i stayed calm. I told him firmly 'oscar! Put it down!' And he did.. Next time it happens stay calm, be firm. He cant help his instincts to hunt things that move. And hes a baby. Make sure you let him no hes done wrong by ignoring him or not letting him off his lead on his next walk! If you need any more advice google it! Youll find loads of ways to keep him away from brids on walk. Like his fave food? Also in sure he wont be able to do it again cuz u cant really get to close to a bird without it flying away! Oh and just ignore about the bird. Its nature.. Not very pretty but in reality things get killed sadly:(

Some dog breeds are actually bred for these kinds of things. For example the Golden Retriever(a common family pet) got its name because 1 they are "golden" in color and 2 they "retrieve" the dead birds that have been gunned down.

Sometimes these needs in the breed/dog have to be satisfied through a game/play.

If you think the birds screaming was "traumatising" you would never eat meat, dairy or wear fur/wool if you knew what torture and abuse those live animals have to endure. Those nicely packaged animal parts in the store might look yummy to some but what goes on behind closed doors is sickening.

Make sure you fulfil the dogs needs safely through play and careful which breed you choose in the future as they may not be right for you or your family.

This isn't a traumatic experience it is simply upsetting. Upsetting things happen in life and you need to learn to get over them. Your dog will eat other wildlife and when you drive you'll hit birds, rabbits and hedgehogs. Call a friend, have a cry and then distract yourself by watching a film or tidying your room. Sitting there thinking about it isn't going to make you feel better.

I can understand that this would have been hard to witness, i am a big animal lover so i can't say i would be much better with the situation.

However, know that they are animals and if in the wild they would be doing even worse things to hunt their food etc.

It is just in their nature, not many animals kill just for the thrill of it.

It's just like giving them bones and chicken necks etc... it's part of there natural diet, these are animals they would hunt anyway.

That's what my sister tells herself when she goes to the butcher for her dog as she is a vegetarian.

I hope this gets easier for you over time.. just try not to think about it.

well 1st to get over this try listening to jazz music or meditation music, 2nd you need to teach the dog right from wrong

You just have to learn to cope. Dogs will be dogs.

We were at the park and he was off the lead and he was sniffing around the bushes when we heard some squawking and my dog was tapping with his paws and biting and I looked and I could see some birds all mangled and one of them was just squawking really loud and this scared me and I couldn't get the dog away from them and I've we're trying to call him away but he wouldn't come and we were really freaked out and scared so we called our mum to come help us but eventually he got distracted by another dog and ran after it so we managed to catch him. And when my mum got to us she started having a go at us and then my sister had a panic attack and my mum went off and now I'm in my room and I feel really sick and I keep thinking about it and just crying. My dogs is only six months old. This has really shaken me. I just keep thinking about the squawking bird. How do I calm down and get over this? I know my puppy wasn't meaning to be viscous he was just curious and doing what many dogs do, but this has just really freaked me out