> My canaries are acting strangely, whats wrong with them?

My canaries are acting strangely, whats wrong with them?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I think the other bird should calm down. Are you taking care of them properly? To sex the other one type sexing canary birds on YouTube Sex as the gender not the other meaning. You should take the male one out of the cage because he will be really bored that the other one is on the nest and he's playing by himself. Make sure the cage is really big,they have bright sunshine not direct sunlight please and buy them toys such as a bird swing,bell,mirror and other.

It sounds like you have got 2 hens,If 1 is a male it should display to the hen by whistling.

I have 2 canaries, one female and we thing the other is a male, but not sure! the other canary is slightly different from the female, different noises from the female (we got the other one this time last year and the female 2 year ago)

for the few weeks the female has been building a nest and now she just wants to sit in and rarely comes out.

But for the past day or 2 when the female has been sitting in nest, the other canary has been acting hyper and being really noisey, while constantly jumping around the nest area!

I was wondering whats happening? i havent seen them breeding or anything while ive been in the house, but not sure if they have while i was out at work!