> My budgie is scared of her toy?

My budgie is scared of her toy?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
She may not be used to it. When she is inside her cage, leave it near by so she can see it in her view. I agree with jon_mac_usa, allow her to see you are interacting with it. It may take her awhile to get used to it. You have to accept she may not like it at all. I went through several toys with the lovebird I had, before I finally found a type that she absolutely loved. Funny part was those were the only toys she'd actually play with. I also had a happy hut inside her cage, that it took her a good month, give or take a few, before she actually started to stand on it. Give it some time. Each bird is different.

Many bird fear new things, touch it yourself, should your bird it is safe.

I have a pair of cockatiels, they often take weeks or over a month before they get close enough to a new toy I put in their cage to actually play with the new toy. I gave them a 1/2 a grape the other day it took them over 24 hours to be brave enough to even touch it. Then only the female ate it and my brave male had no interest other to just peck at the grape.

I bought my bird a little playground thing for her to use when she is outside of her cage!! She is always out of her cage, as soon as I open the cage door she flys out onto my hand, but whenever I bring the playground thing near her she flys away and goes back in her cage! Why is this?? It is unusual??