> My budgie flew into a window is he going to be ok ?

My budgie flew into a window is he going to be ok ?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
He is shaking and is all puffed up his back tail fathers are in a wired bent shape. I tryed playing music that he normally chirps to but he is just shaking. Im rearly worried :( ?

Awwww quickly call a vet for help and if that doesn't work take him to the vets and feed him so much vitamins and healthy vegetables which he likes. Stroke him a lot were he is hurt if he is bleeding buy quick stop from a pet store. Give him a hug and make sure the cage is really warm. Buy another budgie to make him better. Good luck! :)

He will be grand,if it was a bad bang and he keeps shaking them bring him to the vet,dont worry he may have just a broken a bone and be in shock.

You should take him to the vet to see if any bad damage has been done

It doesn't sound good at all. Birds kept as pets should have their wings clipped so these things don't happen. A house is a dangerous place for a little bird, and one with all its flight feathers can crash hard into windows, mirrors, walls, and fly right out the door. He sounds like he has been hurt pretty badly. Put him in a warm, dark, quiet place so he can hopefully recover from the shock of it all. I hope the poor little fella makes it!

He is shaking and is all puffed up his back tail fathers are in a wired bent shape. I tryed playing music that he normally chirps to but he is just shaking. Im rearly worried :( ?