> My budgie flew away what can i do?

My budgie flew away what can i do?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
My parakeet flew away and she is not tamed if someone finds her will that person be able to catch my parakeet what can I do

You really can't do much since she wasn't tame and her wings weren't clipped. I'm sorry she's gone. I guess all you can do is post some "Lost" flyers around the neighborhood, but I don't know how she will be caught if she isn't tame. Chalk it up to a learning experience, I guess. Even "tame" ones take off sometimes when they see an open door or window if their owners didn't keep their wings clipped.

My cockatiel flew away a few years back. My grandma opened the door to check the mail and I had him on my shoulder and as soon as he saw the door open he took his chance and flew away. He was perched on the electrical wires and no matter how many times I called for him he wouldn't come back. I feel you. It's not fun. But I talked to a vet recently and they said sometimes their instincts kick in and know how to fend for themselves. They are birds. You can put up posters and stuff and post stuff online so people can be on the look out.

not much. not many people will even attempt to catch it and of they do, they will most likely keep her, what you can do it to print pictures of the parakeet on a poster and well post them everywhere. i wouldn't get my hopes up though because if a mean person finds her and doesn't give her back. there isn't much you can do unless you microchipped her.

My parakeet flew away and she is not tamed if someone finds her will that person be able to catch my parakeet what can I do