> My bird flew away, help?

My bird flew away, help?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
If your bird has a cage, put it nearby outside with the door open. Play the videos in my source at loud volume to try attracting his attention to the area. He might recognize his cage and if he associates it with food, comfort, and home, he'll try to get to it.

Other than that, do what Amy suggested. Posters, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Contact animal shelters maybe.

Don't give up yet. A small chance is still a chance.

Good luck.

While it's not common for a bird to return, it's not impossible. Put the cage outside in plain sight. Avoid placing it under trees. Keep it out in the open.

Well I hope it does but you may have to prepare yourself for disappointment cause you have predators and that bird isn't used to that. Make posters, post on facebook and all that and hope for the best

Sorry to say but once a bird is gone, it's gone :( sorry for your loss

Time to replace your bird.

An eagle would not come into your house !!!

I had one cockatiel it flew away yesterday . Actually ir was out in a room but the door was open and a eagle came in. My bird got scared and flew away. He is well traned so will he come back ????