> My bird (parakeet /budgie) broke its leg. What to do?

My bird (parakeet /budgie) broke its leg. What to do?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Although the best thing for the bird is to be seen & treated by an avian vet,

I found a site that gives instructions for those who are unable to do so:

"Budgie Broken Leg Treatment Guide"


You may also be interested in the comments found here:

"Birds--General---parakeet broken leg"


I'm sorry to tell you this, but there's no substitute for taking your pet to a vet. None at all. I'd like to ask if you're sure its broken? If it is then I doubt there's anything you can do if you truly cant afford a vet, just wait it out. But if its something like a broken toe not a foot, you could try using some soothing gel, or Vaseline to soothe the area for the bird, maybe that will help in the healing process, you could try this if it's a broken leg too, but either way, you have to be patient and hope for the best.

Good Luck

Before suggesting taking it to the vet, I cannot afford it. Is there anything I can do? The vet quoted me 300 dollars just to see it and assumed it would be more to treat what ever it may be because I have no idea when it happened. ( back from school i study outside my province) and the person who was looking after them never noticed until i got back and asked.

Hes limping and not putting any pressure on it at all. To climb his cage, he uses 1 foot and his beak. Is there anything I can do for him? I don't want to let him live in suffering, but and I have literally no money in my name.





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