> My Budgie refuses to eat from his new food dish!?

My Budgie refuses to eat from his new food dish!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I think your Parakeet is not used to this new dish in the cage. I mean think about it, all of a sudden this big, shiny, scary thing that holds my food comes into the cage. I think the best way to get him used to it, is to take him out of his cage along with the food. Put some of the food in your hand and have him eat out of there. After you do that, maybe show him the dish again. If that still doesn't work, try sprinkling millet on top of the seed in the dish. Show your bird its yummy by making eating sounds near the dish. Good Luck and hoped I helped

Your parakeet may be afraid of the new big shiny thing in his cage.

For now though, just try to hand feed him and/or get another bowl whom he is more comfortable with. But if you really still want to have the shiny bowl left, you should try to introduce it to him slowly. If he is target trained you could start by targeting the stick around (not to close from the beginning tho!!) the bowl and gradually let him come closer. Your goal is for him to sit on the bowl and be able to give him his treat while he is sitting there, so he thinks the bowl comes with good things and means no harm to him.

If he isn't target trained, just try to introduce the bowl while you and the bird is playing/bonding by introducing the food bowl slowly to him. Don't forget the treats! But for now, get a temporary bowl or use your hand to feed him!

maybe some green tape (or green paper) around the new bowl.

Hand feed him anything he likes until you sort this out.

He still hasnt eaten ive tried everythin only treats im going crazy tryin to find his old bowel online:(

My parakeet is 11 years old, and my father insisted we get him a new food dish. So he bought a clear dish, same style as his old one only clear instead of green, now my bird hasn't eaten in days. And my father threw out his old dish. He has routine where when we forget to feed him he stands on top of his cage and screeches, he keeps doin this although the food dish is full of untouched seed. We put(this sounds stupid but its true) white duck tape around it, thinking maybe he was havin trouble figuring out that it was a dish. He still hasn't eaten, I filled his cage w millet spray to keep him going but WHAT DO I DO? My boy has managed 11 years, and I don't want anorexia to be the end.