> Love bird on bottom of cage only at night floppy head?

Love bird on bottom of cage only at night floppy head?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The bird is obviously in shock. Apart from the usual treatment just keep a night light near the cage to prevent night frights. I have a finch who sometimes goes to sleep on the perch and somewhere in the middle of the night, lands up on the floor of the cage. It is possible that the bird is confused and can see so it cant make it back to the perch. Your case is obviously a lot more complicated but try and make the room as comfortable for the bird. i.e. Keep a Night light and cover the cage halfway with a cloth. Keep the room sufficiently warm (Ensure the bird isn't cold) trust me, the night light will really make a difference.

I work at a vet office and a love bird was brought in by a good Sam. It had been found in a cats mouth. No puncture wounds were found but she/he was breathing heavy and we put the bird on an antibiotic tms. It seems fine during the day however at night it walks funny stays on the bottom and its head is floppy. Vet said its 50/50 weather it lives or not. Can someone give me advice can I do more? Last night I thought it would be dead but woke up to it acting fine. Now tonight it seems worse than last night. Any birds vets out there?