> Large Black Widow With White Spot?

Large Black Widow With White Spot?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I would not worry. No doubt there are plenty of black widow spiders around, minding their own business.

There are many more of them than you ever see. And in general, they prefer not to come inside the house. Plus, they are not aggressive.

Black widow spiders can get pretty large, but they can lay eggs long before reaching full size. The majority die before they get that big.

I do not know what the white spot is.

I came home today to see a rather really large black widow dangling underneath the door to the house. It was surely dead, looking crumpled, but I think it may have died naturally. Other than the little red spot it had on it's back, it also had a small white spot farther back on it rear.

What does this mean? Since it's bigger than others that I've seen before, should I be concerned that it might have eggs? Or is this simply nothing?