> Killdeer birds - did they hatch or did something get to the eggs..?

Killdeer birds - did they hatch or did something get to the eggs..?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
That is about the right amount of time for them to hatch. Killdeer are up and running about right after they hatch unlike other birds that stay in the nest for a while. You did great blocking off the area. Thanks.

Yes the shells were eaten by the mom bird to help her calcium build up or other critters may have gotten the empty shells.But if you know they hatched and left the nest great..

A killdeer laid eggs in the middle of a gravel driveway by my house. The road isn't super busy but there ARE cars that pass everyday. We blocked off the nest on both sides so cars would be forced to drive around it. . And this worked perfectly. She laid them about 3 and a half weeks ago. Yesterday, I noticed the eggs were gone.. But there was no left over egg shell , which worried me that something took the eggs. We have dogs but they had no interest in the eggs and never got close the whole time they were there, and the momma bird was very protective. Is it possible that maybe the dogs just ate the leftover egg shells or something?? :(

It was time for them to hatch and I know right when they hatch, they run away, so is it possible for no egg shells to be left in the nest?