> Keeping birds in cages, is cruelty?

Keeping birds in cages, is cruelty?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Just because humans like the way they look doesn't mean we should be aloud to keep them in cages for there whole life, when they are meant to fly =( Why is this allowed?

My cockatiel loves his cages and in fact goes to it if he scared. And not all birds wings are clipped! My cockatiel's wings aren't clipped right now. However there is nothing wrong with wing clipping. I just sold my parakeet whose wings were clipped and he's doing just fine. If you don't like putting birds in cages/FOREVER HOMES or clipping their wings so they don't break something while flying into a wall then don't get a bird.

Some people keep there dogs in crates at night, I keep my birds in there cages at night. I also keep myself inside my home at night too.


You're the one that doesn't understand. There is bird cruelty/neglect just like there is with any other animal even with humans. A lot of people don't know how to care for birds properly, most likely this is where you are getting your anger from. I do not cage my birds, it is a place where they can sleep and feel safe in, not a 24/7 place. They also enjoy there cage as much as I enjoy my home. They get fresh air and sunlight almost daily just as I do. I even took my bird out with me a few times, she didn't enjoy herself to much plus the fear of eagles, dogs and random people coming after my bird is a bit stressful/annoying.

"there's a difference between a bird and horse. The horse will run around the barn and field and atleast enjoy, the bird cant ever experience flying outside they have to stay inside in a cage. -.-"

First of all a bird does not "have to" stay inside there cage, that is called neglect. Just like a horse staying inside there stall 24/7. Some people do bring there birds outside with/without a harness just like with dogs on leashes. Some/like me just allow there birds to fly around inside there homes. Most of my birds have large enough cages to actually fly in there even though they spend most of there time outside there cage.

Some horses don't have a lot of space to run around in since there closed up with gates but sure, they can run around in circles. That is not cruelty. Cruelty is when you neglect them and there needs. If you fulfil the animals needs then they will be happy, they don't need to be running/flying 24/7 Lets look at children for example. It is neglect to keep kids in a room 24/7 without socialization and feed them a cheap high fat diet/ junk food.

Most people don't even feed there birds a healthy diet. An all seed diet is unhealthy, they need fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

Just because you've seen or know someone who lacks knowledge in birds doesn't mean it is cruel. I've seen a lot of animal/human cruelty/neglect that doesn't mean I'm going to blame every person who has a dog, cat, horse, child, spouse, sibling.. et cetera as cruel.

If you still think I am being "defensive" Then I have nothing more to say to you, go ahead and judge all bird owners for the actions of the ignorant.

Damn, all these long responses!! I have a parakeet and as much as I want her flying around I don't want to possibly hurt her trying to get back in the cage! My other parakeets learned how to fly out the cage and fly back inside! This one is just in training. Unless you can keep up with constantly having to clean up their poop then let them fly. Otherwise your room would be a poop galore. I get what you're trying to say but birds are raised in captivity. Let a bird go free in the wild trying to do the "right" thing and they'll die quicker than ever. They don't know how to survive out there in the real world.

People stop taking this question up your damn a s s. It's just a damn question not a f u c k i n g speech for world peace.

People have to keep them caged for their life so they can survive if not they harm themselves get eatten by a cat or bigger bird like an owl or hawk or end up being beat up by wild birds or strave to death since these birds are use to humans and a cage they call home and they get fed and water and some even get lots of free time mine had his door open all the time he did fly off but 3 days later he came back to his cage tired cold and hungry.Why would you leave a happy place you are fed wartered in a confy warm place no you would stay as well.

I have kept many different birds and "types" of birds..but I still agree with you that it is rather cruel to keep anything caged. They are really meant to run free in my opinion..but to ease ones mind you may consider that most tame birds know nothing else besides a cage.Therefore..they most likely do not mind being in a cage.They may even prefer it.Some of them wouldn`t know what to do with freedom..In the case of raising chickens,ducks etc..if they are not kept in a cage or pen the predators like coyotes and fox` etc will catch and eat them..in which case it is more for their benefit and protection to be caged..Nevertheless..all in all I do agree that to keep any living creature caged is to some extent..cruel.

This. Wow.

there's Nothing wrong with putting a pet bird in a cage. My Quaker and my Indian Ringneck Both love Their cages, its their home! It's also a safe place for them.

I feel this way, if YOU own a bird, or a dog or hamster or even your child, you raise it the way YOU want. But don't condemn me or anyone else because they do something different. I don't know where people get off thinking their way is the only "Right" way! Oh, and I clip my birds wings, too! Gasp! How evil am I!!!! But, it's safer for her that way, she's not flying into any mirrors, out the door, etc. My avian vet recommends it!

sooooo then we shouldn't leash dogs, keep fish in aquariums, horses in stables, reptiles in cages....these are all parts of domestication. Many birds suffer more from loneliness in captivity than from stress from caging anyway.

Birds actually like their cages. My parakeets have their cage door open all the time, and they almost always just stay in. It's their home.

tricky problem look onto yahoo that could actually help

Just because humans like the way they look doesn't mean we should be aloud to keep them in cages for there whole life, when they are meant to fly =( Why is this allowed?