> Is this spider harmful?

Is this spider harmful?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I'm frikken scared

Uhm, the photo isn't good enough to tell what it is. It could be a number of spiders with that shape, one of which is a female black widow. You'd need a brighter, closer photo, just don't mess with it to be safe. Suck it up in the vacuum or catch it in a secure tub or jar(that can be risky trying to catch it if you don't know what it is, when my grandma is unsure she vacuums them up.lol I typically catch them for a better photo to ask or toss them out).

This looks to be a harmless cobweb type house spider, and nothing to worry about.

The only reason you are scared is because you are fantasizing little horror stories in your mind, like it will crawl into your bed. That is just not likely to happen.

Most spiders like this have bad eyesight, and nearly blind in the dark. they rely on feel, like vibrations in their web to catch food, and humans are not food.

Your little spider may be a bit like my little pet that lives a few feet from my bed:

It's a massive tarantula that will eat you while you sleep... Nah just kidding, looks like a tiny harmless house spider, put a cup on it and slide a sheet of paper under and throw it out. Sleep tight, don't let the spiders bite ????????

Sorry I'm just really afraid of spiders. It is midnight right now and I'm scared if this spider will crawl up my bed. And can spiders see in the dark? So scared right now it's about 2 cm big but ya know..