You might try lightly misting her web for water to drink, but that may not save her.
Because orb weavers need a lot of room to make a web, and some type of frame to web on, plus the fact they don't live usually more than one season, they are not the most desired pet spider.
Spiders can go quite a long time without food as long as they can get water.
Just give your little friend some time, and I hope she gets back to normal.
Try cutting back on food, and she may rebuild her web.
The spider will starve to death... But then again... what do I know... I'm just a refrigerator...
There is a cross spider in my room that I've been feeding, but a while ago, he stopped rebuilding his web. He molted a few days ago, so I thought maybe that was why, but he still hasn't rebuilt it. Should I be worried? The web has lots of big holes from bugs that have gotten stuck in it, but they've all escaped because it isn't sticky enough. What should I do? I'm worried that he'll starve to death... Thanks for any advice!