> Is there any number that I can call to get advice on a pet bird?

Is there any number that I can call to get advice on a pet bird?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You need to take him to vet which is the best option. You should trust only professional and avoid taking advice from amateurs.

flat out you need to take him to a vet. It is never a good idea to wait to take a bird to the vet. If you can't afford a vet you can usually work out a payment plan for it with your vet. get the bird the treatment it needs.

I have a bird with - as far as we know, fatty liver disease. He also has dermatitis. I have put the bird on a low-fat diet for his disease and he take iodine drops in his water to help his thyroid. He is ok most of the day but the scratching....I just don't what to do about his dermatitis. He scratches to the point he cries like his is in a extreme amount of pain. Today I went out and bought some aleo vera spray for his dry skin. I have diluted it with some water. Do you think this would help?

I really need someone I can discuss this with. We can't afford a vet but I am doing the best I can for him. I have taken him to pet shop owners that know what they're talking about but I'm yet to ask about his skin. Any ideas?