Yes!! Males usually tend to be more talkative, they are more colorful and they are a bit larger. Also conures like the opposite sex, meaning if you are a male then get a female and vice versa.
Yeah I think that both genders can be tameable with the sexing them from what I have researched etc there isn't anyway except DNA testing to tell what gender they are. I have two green cheeks I assumed the first one I got was a boy because he would try and hump my hand than I brought a second one and it wasnt sexed so I put a nesting box in to see what happened they seemed to have paired off, gone into the box, stayed in the box and everything but got them both DNA sexed and turned out to be both boys so they are a gay pair even though they showed signs a boy and girl pair would :)
Give us some more information.
I am going to get a sun conure
I am aware of their noise etc as I have had one before and I live on a farm with a Macaw.
However is there a difference between males and female? is one sex a better handraised pet than the other?
I am not wanting to breed.
Thank you!