> Is there a difference between black and african?

Is there a difference between black and african?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Where I live theres a lot of african that moved to usa in the last 20 years and they get mad when you call them black.To me any person of color is black but idk

African is where which country there were born and you would would call an them African American if they were born here in the united states you wouldn't call them black if they are Jamaican. you register them as blacks if you were giving them driver licenses lol!!!

hope this answers your conundrum lol!!!

Humans evolved about 150,000 years ago in Africa. Starting around 60,000 years ago, humans began migrating out of Africa. Therefore some scientists have said that we are all Africans under our skin, regardless of what skin color we have. That meanas about 70,00 years ago, all people on earth had ancestors with skin as dark as any African.

The first group of emigrants went straight to Australia, according to DNA and archaeological evidence, and there they find themselves in a similar climate as in Africa, and their skin and hair remained similar to the people who stayed in Africa. Some of these people also inhabited south India and other parts of SE Asia, which also had similar climates to Africa, so they too remained dark skinned and curly haired. So, should we call these dark skinned Asians, Australians and Melanesians "black" or "African." It is not so easy. They don't think of themselves as African, for example. If, as you say, they don't like to be called black either, then perhaps you either don't call them anything, or you call them by their names.

Yah they are black. African is not the name of there race it is the name of the continent they originate from. However saying black harshly can sound offensive...it really should rarely come up.

Where I live theres a lot of african that moved to usa in the last 20 years and they get mad when you call them black.To me any person of color is black but idk