> Is there a certain job in marine biology that has to do with sharks?

Is there a certain job in marine biology that has to do with sharks?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Is there certain jobs in marine biology? I want to be the one always out on the boat preferably swimming with sharks or doing something that has to do with sharks? P.S I LOVE SHARKS

ok... This is going to be a life lesson.

Yes, there are jobs like that. However you are not the only person out there who likes sharks and wants to work with them. Sharks are VERY popular. Just like paying major league baseball is very popular. There are probably more MLB baseball players than people working with sharks in the USA. Your chance to landing this dream job is SLIM. It's not impossible. Don't give up... But be realistic.

Go into marine biology. Keep learning about sharks. But be open to other related jobs. You might have to toil away testing clams for mercury levels for years while trying to land your dream job. If your only interest in marine biology is sharks I'd say you are in for disappointment.

It would be like wanting to be a hair stylist but only wanting to work with celebrities.

Here is the secret to landing a good paying career that you will love.

Figure out what you are good at... not so much what you like to do... but what you have natural talent at. Math, science, writing, etc... Then look at what careers are available in that area... pick the one that you think would interest YOU, but not many other people. Competition is a killer. Here is an example: lots of kids think designing video games would be totally awesome. But so do a million other kids. If you want to get a job working at a top video game company you are going to have to be better than 1,000s of other people. And why pay someone top dollar if they have applicants lining up to take the job at less pay? To the kid who wants to design video games I'd say... just get into programming in general. The great jobs are the ones doing boring stuff. Designing shopping cart systems or logistics or writing drivers that let one device talk to another. There are not endless lines of applicants for these jobs.

This is one of the reasons I think nursing is a great career choice. Not many people can handle the job. People dying, doctors yelling at you, changing bed pans, etc.... Find the job you would enjoy (or at least tolerate) and focus on that.

Good luck with marine biology... hopefully you live near the ocean or are willing to relocate... I suspect there are not many marine bio jobs in Kansas.

I think you especially have to study biology and then specialize yourself in shark with internship in sharks :)

here a link with the life of a man who studies sharks :)


Is there certain jobs in marine biology? I want to be the one always out on the boat preferably swimming with sharks or doing something that has to do with sharks? P.S I LOVE SHARKS