Spider web is more protein than anything else, and from my experience, they have little taste of any kind.
They would be more healthy than harmful, but it would take an awful lot of web to be of any good.
Spiders themselves would be a better diet.
yeah but you might want to p[ick out all the dead dried out leafs out first cause they can be quite pokey in youre mouth but yes spidder web is quite nutritious im not sure why their not selling it yet in healthy foods stores bcause spidders eat it all the time
Actually- they ARE !! And since They're also usually loaded with LOTs of caught dead Flies, Moths & Bugs- you'll be getting LOTs of extra "protein"- too ! :)
there are a lot of spiders and spider webs around my house and my back yard. i was reading online that they contain sugars and vitamins and stuff so i want to know if i can or should eat them. what do they taste like? thanks
ps i wont kick spiders out of their webs to eat them i will only eat abandoned webs