> Is my parakeet a boy or girl?

Is my parakeet a boy or girl?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It hasnt made a noise....I got it yesterday....how do I make it make noise?

What the F is wrong with these dam people,

not one gave a answer on what the sex could be. CAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW

If the bird is a male the skin above the beak where the nose is will be bluish/purple.

If it is female it will be tanish/pinkish.

Send me a picture and I will tell you.

A male parakeet will glow under a black light. You can also tell by the color of the nose around the nostril area. If its pink, its female. If it is blue, its a male. Although all young parakeets will have a pink nose when they are young. So the best way to tell is a black light.

Just talk to it a lot and it will probably start chirping along with you. If you want it to make more noise them get it another parakeet, but sometimes they will make too much noise.

You have come to the right place, kid. As a doctor, I am an expert on these sorts of things. My advice to you would be as follows: open a can of beer, and put it down in front of the bird. I he drinks it, he's a man-bird, and if it complains about being on a diet and asks for low-calorie wine instead, it is a lady-bird.

If it has a dikkk, it's a male.

If it has a vijayjay, right it's a girl.

Simple enough.

Males have blue OR purple ceres. Females have scaly tan or bright pink ceres the ceres are the colored part on their beak.

sing to it, talk to it,

by nature they are cautious your parakeet is observing you and inspecting you until they see there is no need to be scared of you .

It hasnt made a noise....I got it yesterday....how do I make it make noise?