> Is my budgie blue or grey also what gender?

Is my budgie blue or grey also what gender?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Is my budgie blue or grey also what gender

Awwww he looks like mine

He's grey

And a male

You can tell because of his cere (his nostrils) if it is blue he it'll be blue and a girl will have a pinkish/tan one (ironic right lol)

When they are young they males have the same cere as females but as they get set it darkens so by this pic I'm guessing he's quite young

Its a gray budgie, It looks young but it looks like it could be a male because the cere (the thing that corresponds to our nose) looks bluish (blue cere = males, normal brown = female for budgies)

He is gray but you can't really tell the gender.

it's a male

Is my budgie blue or grey also what gender