> Is my Budgie girl or a boy?

Is my Budgie girl or a boy?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
If the budgie is blue and white you have a girl. Female budgies can have brown, white, and pink cere. While male budgies have blue and to an extent purple-blue. If a bird is all white or all yellow and has red eyes, it is an albino. It's cere would be pink and would a little less easy to determine gender. Some budgies are known to have bluish-purple cere and they have been known to be either male or female, it's a total guess at the beginning. Yours is definitely pink, so I would lean way more towards a female than male.

As for tips on a female budgie's behavior. I know a little. I have four male budgies so I'm more inclined to their behavior. However, I do know that female budgies are little more territorial than males. Their chirps are softer. Yet they can have shrill calls. They are a little on the bossy side as well.

If you choose not to get her a friend, be prepared to spend a lot of time with her. They are flock animals. Hopefully she'll be easy to train. Good Luck.

Hi! I've bought this budgie about 2 weeks ago and the seller in pet store told me it's a girl but i'm not so sure about it. It's about 4 months old or so. This is my first time owning budgie so i don' t know anything about their gender and so... I have read about it on many sites and it's all about the same brown-girl blue-boy, but mine has a bit pinkish cere.. Thanks in advance! Any tips in their behavior are welcome too! <3