> Is it safe to eat farm raised Alaskan salmon?

Is it safe to eat farm raised Alaskan salmon?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Of course it is safe to eat, or it wouldn't be on the market.

Close to half the seafood sold and consumed in the US is farm raised. It's perfectly fine to eat, and is the answer to overfishing and depleted stocks of many fish species. With the increase in seafood demand globally and the oceans limited ability to rebuild fish populations, we're going to be seeing a lot more aquaculture. Having said that, some fish farming is done better than others, and depending on which information sources you deem credible, you may wish to avoid some of it. However, the concerns are primarily environmental, not food safety.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a lot of information on salmon, from wild-caught to farm raised:


However, it's complicated to really follow their recommendations, as individual producers/fishermen vary in their methods, seafood labeling at retail is often unclear, and mislabeling is widespread.


One salmon is not going to kill you.

I told my uncle to get wild caught Alaskan salmon from Whole Foods, but he brought me back farm raised Alaskan salmon from this market called Fiesta. I've been reading up about how farm raised salmon is fed hormones and stuff.