> Insect awareness?

Insect awareness?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
http://bugguide.net/node/view/15740 is one of the best online resources out there, but it is for the US. You might try UK Safari http://www.uksafari.com/wildfiles.htm Lots of museums and colleges have entomology departments that can help.

Your insect in question is a wasp, maybe on of the Horntails https://www.google.com/search?q=horntail... that stinger is actually an ovipositor, the organ used to lay eggs.

I have been doing some gardening recently and noticed some very peculiar insects. I came across a flying insect with a sting on the back. The sting had a bump embedded init wich was transparent. In this bump in a dark mucky coloured reddish liquid which I can only guess is ingested into its victim upon stinging it. I have a picture which I took on the iPhone 5s from a slow motion video so it's no that clear. ^^ is there any websites or anyway of becoming more insect aware so that the average person can upload photos and ask or find information about an insect they are worried about? I am hearing of new insects migrating to Britain all the time but we don't hear of them until they have made the front page for a reason that could maybe of been prevented. Any information on what this insect may be or if it could be a threat would be appreciated.