> Injured bird! Help?

Injured bird! Help?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Does it look injured? What kind of bird is it?

But the most important: is it a fledgling?

I know you want to do good and stuff by 'helping' this guy out, and I'm not saying you're bad because you maybe just didn't know but this bird is probably a fledgling if it looks healthy but otherwise can't fly.

It was a nice thing to care about this bird because most people would've gone Ewwwwwwwwwww it's a BURD and it has DIESEESES. But the nicest thing you can do for it if it looks unharmed is put it back where you found it, preferably in a bush or on a branch a bit high up so cats don't get it. The parents will come back and feed it.

But, if in a few hours you go back and the baby looks hungry or the parents haven't been by yet, you might want to take it Under your wing.

I can help you but I need to know the species coz one little difference in diet can mean life and death. DO NOT feed it bread or milk or worms or water. Try a little bit (tiny bit) of lean meat heated to blood heat or some soaked cat food. Do not force the baby if it does not want to open it's beak.

PS this food will work even for an adult bird.

Hope he survives.

What makes you think it is injured? Was it bloody? Or is it just the fact that it can’t fly?

It is quite possible that it is a fledgling. Fledglings often leave the nest before they can fly. They might appear to be sick or abandoned, but they are actually healthy and the parents are nearby and are caring for it.

If it is injured, you need to get it to an expert. If it is a healthy fledgling, you need to put it back where you found it as quickly as possible.


put it back outside or take it to a wild life center. There are wild life centers near by. Ether take it to one or put it back outside

Its illegal ot have wild birds

I came across an injured bird at work today. He is now in a padded cardboard box so he inactive( in case of concussion). My problem is there are no Wildlife Rehabbers near me and I don't want to release the little guy back into the wild. He cannot fly which is a death sentence for a small bird. What are the best steps to take care of them without killing him due to stress or wrong dietary plans.