> In animal farm, what are 3 reasons why the animals couldn't create a utopia? Try and connect those 3 reasons into 1

In animal farm, what are 3 reasons why the animals couldn't create a utopia? Try and connect those 3 reasons into 1

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I'm guessing this is a homework assignment and you don't want to read the book, but here goes anyway...

1. The pigs elevated themselves to "leaders" of the animals. Thus creating a hierarchy, which is counter to what a "utopian" society requires. Equality is a necessary component to "Utopia."

2. Labor requirements were too unbalanced. The necessity of the horse to do almost all the work created a huge vacuum when he was no longer able to contribute. Equality, not just in social status, is needed for the "utopia" to exists. Each animal needed to contribute equally before the ideals of "utopian society" could be met.

3. Outside influences were another part of the crumbling of "utopian society." The threat of the farmer returning created a need for a "militarizing" of the animals. In a militaristic society, there is a distinct need for an unquestioned leader. With the existence of an unquestioned leader, equality is lost.

Big Idea. Equality Equality Equality. As soon as one is determined to be more valued than another, "utopia" is lost. There cannot be a perfect society unless society is perfect for everyone. The inherent nature of the world is to create a hierarchy. It happens in a lion pack, a horse herd and in Washington DC. Especially when outside threats are present the need for a leader disbands any notions of equality.