> If evolution isnt real, why do we have canine teeth?

If evolution isnt real, why do we have canine teeth?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The creationist point of view simply boils down to "because God wanted it that way". This is why creationism or intelligent design is not a scientific theory - it's a nonfalsifiable hypothesis. There is literally NO imaginable observation - NONE - that cannot be explained with "God wanted it that way for some reason". Thus, there is no conceivable test that can be done to see if it's right or not.

A scientific theory, like evolution, makes predictions that can be tested: "if evolution is right, we should expect to see (for instance), high degrees of genetic similarity amongst species that look similar". If we compared, say, a dog and a wolf and saw very different DNA, that would be evidence that the theory was wrong in some way. Creationism is immune to such testing, because it makes no predictions.

Loren has it right.

Somehow the fact that we have canine teeth convinces you that we descended from amoebas?

In the engineering world, things with similar functions are used in multiple applications. It's called economy of design. That's why Toyotas and Lexuses share some of the same components. That's what designers do. If canine teeth work well in dogs for ripping flesh, why wouldn't something similar be designed in a human so that they can do the same thing and thus also be able to eat meat?

The reason why evolution couldn't have happened is that C14 dating (among many other things) shows that there hasn't been enough time for it to occur, even if it were theoretically possible. The video below covers the scientific evidence that points that out.

Week 7 - Evidences for a Young Earth & Universe

You pretty much summed up the answer yourself... I think you wanted to know something else.

Macro-evolution is just ridiculous. Like over a billion species actually evolved from bacteria... Teeth is suppose to prove God doesn't exist?? Nope. Research near-death-experiences... Even if evolution is true, God still exists...

Or why does the human embryo have a tail? There's plenty of evidence for evolution. They choose to ignore it though.

Evolution is true but pandas have sharp teeth and they eat bamboo not meat.

we also have remnants of a tail. . .

It is because we evolved to eat meat I think.

If evolution IS real, why do we have wisdom teeth that don't fit into our mouths when "neanderthals" DID have wisdom teeth that fit PERFECTLY?

This is just one example of vestigial organ.. go look at yourself in the mirror, open your mouth then look at your front incisor teeth or whatever they are called and your molar, separating your incisors and molars somewhat canine vampire looking teeth. When i realized i had these as a 9 year old i thought i was a vampire, but anyways why do we have these? Evolution explains them because other apes have them just larger especially baboons have very large ones, and in turn apes evolved from other mammals that also had canine teeth (not dogs or cats). So?

I don't know who could disagree on evolution.

wow, we have canine teeth so we can tear and chew meat. We have different teeth so that we can chew vegetables, chew nuts etc.. Has nothing to do with evolution, has to do with being able to eat different foods for survival.

I have canine teeth because I'm part hound. I'm a low-down dirty dog!

There is no empirical evidence that refutes evolution. Every year, many more pieces of the puzzle fit to substantiate evolution as real and factual.

*fake preacher voice* Because-ah God-ah has put them there to test-ah us. HALLELUJAH!

I'm kidding I don't think belief in evolution means you can't believe in God.

more specific please