Lions (Panthera leo) are the second largest animal in the feline species (Tigers are the largest). Lions' fur is tawny/yellow/golden, but can also appear dark brown, ginger and sometimes even white which is extremely rare. Adult male lions have manes covering their necks and ears which can range from "blond to reddish to black". "The color appears to depend on a lions age, genetics and hormone levels." They have a long tail with a black tuft at the end and round and a pair of beady eyes which are mostly amber and brown. These large predators are strongly and solidly built, making them extreme hunters. They are among the top 10 fastest land animals, but they do lack endurance/stamina.
They have a body length between 1.7 and 2.5 m (5.5 - 8.25 ft), a tail length between 0.9 and 1.1 m (3 - 3.5 ft) and they weigh between 120 and 250 Kgs (265 - 550 lbs). Males are much larger than females and can weigh up to 50 % more.
Male lions have manes which can act as a protection during fights, is distinguishable from female lions, and its a sign of a healthy, grown male.
Go to Africa...look for the largest cats you can find without spots or stripes. You should find a lion.
You need to weigh them, if it weighs more than a duck it's a lion.
If it weighs less than a duck it's not wood.
If it weighs the same as a duck it's a witch.
They have manes(male lions), they are light brown in colour and eat you if you bother them.
its appearance that means colour,shape.