You should get one. They could have a larger cage like a parrot cage. That is what we keep our cockatiels in. If the bird is comfortable you can get it out. There are YouTube videos on most birds that I found.
i just let my bird out when i get home until i go to bed and he hangs out on his stand. birds are very loving and great pets. you should totally get one. i also leave the tv on and the blinds open during the day while im away from home so he doesnt get bored.
you could get one and let it go in your room or something but you got ot be careful it doesnt bite like electric cords or something
I really want a pet bird, but the thought of leaving the poor thing in a cage makes me sad. Would I be able to keep it in a cage most of the time, but allow it to fly around my room for a few minutes everyday? Is that dangerous? I don't like the thought of getting its wings clipped, either. Any advice? :)