> I think my bird has something stuck in his throat?

I think my bird has something stuck in his throat?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
First of all think of how much money you can spend i had 2 english budgies that were 5 year's old which i bought for 55$ the treatment for one of the sick budgies was a 100$ each bird soo i ended up putting down the bird's because of their pain even a basic surgery to remove the item stuck in his throat will cost about 50$

if money isnt a problem you could even ask the vet to come over to youre house for an extra charge

i dont want to scare you but sometimes it's best to just put the bird down and buy a new one

Try another regular vet in a closer town. I take my birds to a normal bet as they can usually check for things they just maybe can't treat them so it's easier for me to just take them to that vet and if they are I'll then go else where but just try every vet near you because it sounds like he really needs to see a vet ASAP if there was another way to help I would I wish I could but unfortunately the reality is he needs to see a vet

I got my bird about 2 weeks ago, he is a 2 year old English Budgie. For the past 5-6 days he's been acting sick, we took him to the pet shop about 3 days ago so that the lady there could have a look at him. She checked his poop, from what she could tell me, he doesn't have an infection since his poop looks normal. However, he was molting. He also seems to have lost a bit of weight. He was eating and drinking fine until this morning. He's been kind of eating and drinking but when he does he shakes his head after he swallows. He's had his feathers puffed up, this was my first warning that he was sick. He's also been quite lethargic and hasn't been talking as much. I can't take him to a vet, our local vet refuses to help us, as she is only certified to work on dogs and cats. the nearest vet that caters to birds is 3 hours away and I phoned them and they didn't want to help me with some advice over the phone. I can't get my parents to drive 3 hours for a bird. I really need some help, I can't just watch him suffer, and eventually die. Please help A.S.A.P. The only thing I can think of it being is that he got something stuck in his throat.